Online Registration


Dates:January 27-29, 2025
Meets:M and W from 6:30 PM to 8 PM, 2 sessions
Location:Timberline High School
Instructor:Instructor Information
Fee: $42.00  

Book available "The Art of Timeless Etiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea" by the instructor. Community Education classes MIGHT be cancelled due to inclement weather. Decisions will be made by Boise School District leadership regarding evening activities, including Community Ed classes. Listen to local radio or television stations for information on weather cancellations or call the Community Education office at 208-854-4047.

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Course Description

Instruction begins with receiving the latest book from Polite Society School of Étiquette entitled, The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea. With beautiful photographs, exquisite china, and gleaming silver, this updated book features Social Graces, Étiquette History, Introduction Methods, Entertaining Guidelines, Correspondence Protocol, History of Tableware, Dining out Manners, American and Continental Style Dining, Appropriate Dress Attire, Personal Care and Home Management, History of Tea, Types of Tea, Tea Pairings and Tastings, Afternoon Tea in England, Tea Food Dining Instructions, and Formalities for preparing a “Proper” Afternoon Tea. It also presents the reader with illustrations for formal, informal, and family style table settings, and explains the difference between Continental and American Style dining. It provides instructions on the proper way to consume soups, beverages, tea, coffee, and various difficult foods.

Please join Ms. Petrotta in this exciting and instructional presentation masterclass that will provide rules for living in our society and enable students to feel comfortable and confident in all social situations. Incorporated in the curriculum are all aspects of étiquette to enhance one’s lifestyle in the social and business world. Together these elements form the foundation for elegant living. As an added bonus to this course, students will learn the history of the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis). This precious plant reached the shores of Europe and America and became
the most sought-after commodity. From brewing tea to tea blends, this course will present information on types of tea, tea and health, tea blends, tea pairings, storing tea, brewing tea, and tea equipage. Students will learn all the essentials of tea étiquette including how to serve tea and how to prepare, serve, and dine with savories, scones, and petits fours.

Click on instructor link for biography; ages 12+ with adult.