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Instructor Information

Bernadette Petrotta

Ms. Bernadette Michelle Petrotta is an instructor, author, and a small business owner. She is married and has a son. After receiving her degree, she spent thirty-two years in public service with the City of Los Angeles in an administrative capacity. In her spare time she researched the world of étiquette and enrolled in numerous courses administered by The English Manner in London and the R.s.v.p. Institute of Étiquette in California. Her education continued by attending various étiquette and tea webinars. In 1996 she founded the Polite Society School of Étiquette with a mission to educate people of all ages in customary codes of conduct, dining principles, and basic social skills. The Polite Society School of Étiquette offers in-person and online courses, instructional webinars, and tutelage at speaking engagements, school seminars, private dinners, and specialty tea events.

As a testament to Ms. Petrotta’s dedication to étiquette, she was featured in Tea Time Magazine and Texas Tea &; Travel Magazine. Ms. Petrotta provided first-class étiquette training along with educational courses on tea and its rich history to the personnel at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel in Seattle. She also has been a highlighted speaker at the Jane Austen Society of North America, Annual Northwest Tea Festival, Annual Victoria Tea Festival, Annual Northwest Women's Show, and Designs for Dining Fundraiser.

Ms. Petrotta continues to administer education to the Boise School District Community Education by teaching several courses throughout the year. She is listed in the business register of the International Tea Sipper's Society which reaches tea lovers worldwide. Ms. Petrotta’s entrepreneurial spirit, continuing education, and high-quality teaching principles qualify her to be a leading source in this rapidly expanding industry.

Ms. Petrotta has published the following five volumes in her Étiquette Series:
Volume I The Art of the Social Graces
Volume II The Art and Proper Étiquette of Afternoon Tea
Volume III EMMA The Étiquette Cat: Meet Emma
Volume IV The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea
Volume V The Art of Timeless Étiquette, Graceful Dining Manners, & Afternoon Tea
Available in Hardcover, Softcover, and eBook formats at

Jens Rivera