Online Registration


Dates:February 19, 2025
Meets:W from 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Location:Riverglen Junior High
Instructor:Gretchen Anderson
Fee: $15.75  

NOTE: Please have a pen and notebook, and your questions ready! If you are attending class at a Boise Schools location, a Community Ed site coordinator will be at the entrance to direct you to your classroom. Community Education classes MIGHT be cancelled due to inclement weather. Decisions will be made by Boise School District leadership regarding evening activities, including Community Ed classes. Listen to local radio or television stations for information on weather cancellations or call the Community Education office at 208-854-4047.

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Course Description

DATE CHANGE! was 1/29, now 2/19


Learn the few things you can prep now (during our long winter nights) to help you have a fabulous veggie garden this summer. Seed catalogues demystified, garden tool clean up and sharpening, plan for early tomatoes, how to make seed tape, etc. Get excited for the growing season with this fun, informative and energetic workshop!

Gretchen Anderson, AMG, AMFSA*

*certified Advanced Master Gardener and certified Advanced Master Food Safety Advisor (someone who can teach others how to preserve the food they grow in the garden).

Click on instructor link for biography; youth enroll with an adult; tuition is per student; ages: 12+.