Jerry Eichhorst is an amateur historian with a passion for the Oregon and California Trails. He has been involved with these emigrant trails in Idaho for over 22 years. As a diary researcher with over 2600 accounts of people traveling in Idaho, he has made numerous discoveries about the trails in Idaho through extensive research and compiling of the accounts.
Jerry has been President of the Idaho chapter ( of the Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) for over 13 years. He has published numerous articles in the Overland Journal and Idaho magazines. He received the Idaho State Historical Society Esto Perpetua award and the OCTA Merrill Mattis award for writing twice. Jerry created the Main Oregon Trail Back Country Byway and contributed extensively to the National Park Service National Historic Trails Auto Tour Route Interpretive Guide for Idaho. He has also created numerous YouTube trail videos for the OCTA channel. He regularly leads tours on the emigrant trails for the Idaho chapter.